Falling Water Railroad
The Falling Water Railroad was established in 2002. The early years entailed installing a keystone retaining wall, hauling fill and running many feet of electrical wiring. The block wall raises the railroad so that it can be easily viewed. Our railroad is based on a short line in the mid 1950’s connecting the towns of Charm City and Sweetwater. In between is a service junction named Falling Water, thus the name of our railroad. Currently, there is approximately 200 ft. of Aristo-Craft brass track with 6 LGB electrical switches. The rail is powered by a Bridgewerks transformer with a remote, hand-held puck. All track radiuses are 10 ft. which accommodates my equipment and just about anything that friends want to run. There are two wooden bridges, a girder bridge and a trestle connecting Sweetwater to Falling Water junction, where one will find a resort area, small pond and waterfall with a snow shed protecting the exit. After seeing Jigstone & Stone Works exhibited at a convention, I’ve been hooked on cement buildings. As of now, we have 18 structures. Some have been outside for seven years and still look great. Our most recent addition to the layout is a point to point street car line. The street car and its town, Sleepy Hills, is a whimsical area filled with Disney Characters. It’s a big hit with the kids!